Cherry Blossoms … A Lesson Learned

Cherry Blossoms

As a mosaic artist, I find inspiration from many places; scenes outside my car window, a picture from one of my travels, a tree I see through my living room window, or even a simple greeting card.  From these images a desire to make art springs up.

For example, Cherry Blossoms was a thank you card  I  received from a friend.  I enjoyed the image so much (mostly the circular, colorful blossoms) that I wanted to make a Cherry Blossoms mosaic.


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Walls Speak

Hildreth Meiere (1892-1961) a well known and prolific decorative artist of the 1930s, worked in many mediums, but her specialty was mosaic. She was highly influenced by the Art Deco style and her bold and vibrant designs grace many public spaces including St. Patrick’s Cathedral and St. Bartholomew’s in New York City as well as the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.

Meiere’s work was unknown to me until Kim and I went to New York City and saw the MOBIA’s (Museum of Biblical Art) current exhibit “Walls Speak, The Narrative Art of Hildreth Meiere.” Excellence is always inspiring and Meiere’s work exemplifies the idea that fine art is not a luxury for public or even private spaces, but can become so integral to a place that it would seem incomplete without it. For more information on Meiere and the exhibit you can click here.

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